Doctoral Researcher
M. Sc. Carolin Häffner
Address Richard-Strauss-Str. 2, 50931 Köln | Germany
Room 2.A05
Office hours by appointment
Research interests
Coherence-based reasoning • Information search • Rationality • Neuronal networks • Behavioral economics • Intuition • Stereotypes and discrimination • Methods & statistics
- Wojtczuk-Turek, A., Turek, D., Edgar, F., Klein, H. J., Bosak, J., Okay-Somerville, B., Fu, N., Raeder, S., Jurek, P., Lupina-Wegener, A., Dvorakova, Z., Gutiérrez-Crocco, F., Kekkonen, A., Leiva, P. I., Mynaříková, L., Sánchez-Apellániz, M., Shafique, I., Al-Romeedy, B. S., Wee, S., … Karamustafa-Köse, G. (2024). Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction—Unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross-cultural perspective from 54 countries. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(5), 4910–4932.