Doctoral Researcher
M. Sc. Anne Irena Weitzel
Phone +49-221-470-7111
Address Richard-Strauss-Str. 2, 50931 Köln | Germany
Room 1.A17
Office hours by appointment
Research interests | Publications | Academic distinctions
Research interests
Information ecologies • Valence asymmetries • Stereotypes • Truth & trust effects
- Weitzel, A. I., & Unkelbach, C. (2025). An experience-sampling study on the frequency and diversity of positive and negative affective states [Manuscript under review]. Department of Psychology, University of Cologne.
- Ecker, Y., Weitzel, A. I., & Lammers, J. (2024). Bias towards progress-oriented leaders: People prefer progress- over maintenance-oriented leaders even when a maintenance orientation is required [Manuscript invited for resubmission]. Department of Psychology, University of Cologne.
- Schulte, A., Weitzel, A. I., Alves, H., Lammers, J. (in press). Understanding the devaluation of female leaders — A cognitive-ecological perspective. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Academic distinctions
- Junior Start-Up Grant Sorites Paradox in Perceptual Categorization (together with André Vaz and André Mata), awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2023
- Visitor Program Grant for a 10-week Research Stay at André Mata's lab (University of Lisbon, Portugal), awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2022
- Junior Start-Up Grant Ironic Consequences of the Information Ecology of Goals for Perceptions of Maintenance (together with Yael Ecker (PI) and Christian Unkelbach), awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2022
- Junior Start-Up Grant Incentivizing Truth Judgements Leads to Increased Devaluation of Incongruent Advisors (together with Felix Speckmann (Co-PI) and Christian Unkelbach), awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2021
- Graduate Scholarship, awarded by the German National Academic Foundation, 2017-2020
- Undergraduate Scholarship, awarded by the German National Academic Foundation, 2015-2017