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Doctoral Researcher

M. Sc. Zhengtai Liu (刘正泰)
AddressRichard-Strauss-Str. 2, 50931 Köln | Germany

Office hours by appointment

Research interests

Power • Hierarchy • Inequality • Nostalgia • Judgment and decision-making


  • Liu, Z., Luan, M., Li, H., Stoker, J. I., & Lammers, J. (2024). Psychological power increases the desire for social distance but reduces the sense of social distance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology110, 104528.

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Academic distinctions

  • PhD scholarship, awarded by China Scholarship Council, 2024

  • C-SEB International Fellowship Program (hosted by Prof. Dr. Joris Lammers), awarded by C-SEB, University of Cologne, 2023

  • International Visiting Scholarship, awarded by Tsinghua University, 2022

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