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Chair Lammers Group | Political Psychology

Prof. Dr. Joris Lammers

Phone +49-221-470-6126
Fax +49-221-470-76018
AddressRichard-Strauss-Str. 2, 50931 Köln | Germany

Room 4.B.01
Office hours by appointment

Research interests

Social power • Moral psychology • Sexism and gender • Political psychology • Existential psychology

Key Publications

  • Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Diel, K., Hofmann, W., & Galinsky, A. D. (2021). More threatening and more diagnostic: How moral comparisons differ from social comparisons. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  Advance online publication.

  • Lammers, J., Crusius, J., & Gast, A. (2020). Correcting misperceptions of exponential coronavirus growth increases support for social distancing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(28), 16264 - 16266. [data on OSF]

  • Lammers, J., & Baldwin, M. (2018). Past-focused temporal communication overcomes conservatives' resistance to liberal political ideas. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 599-619.  [data on OSF]

  • Baldwin, M., & Lammers, J. (2016). Past-focused environmental comparisons promote proenvironmental outcomes for conservatives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 14953–14957.

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All Publications

  • Posten, A.C., Uğurlar, P., Kube, S., & Lammers, J. (2025). Maintaining cooperation through vertical communication of trust when removing sanctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Lammers, J., Alaukik, A., & Baldwin, M. (2025). When longing goes wrong: Nostalgia can cause a preference for harmful aspects of the past. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 25(1), e70000.
  • Schulte, A., Weitzel, A., Alves, H., & Lammers, J. (2025). Understanding the devaluation of female leaders: A cognitive-ecological perspective. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
  • Lammers, J., & Crusius, J. (2024). Teaching simple heuristics can reduce the exponential growth bias in judging historic CO2 emission growth. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 24(2), 567-584.
  • García Ferrés, E., Van Berkel, L., Baldwin, M., & Lammers, J. (2024). Temporal comparisons shape system justification processes. Political Psychology.
  • Schulte, A., Baldwin, M., & Lammers, J. (2024). Highlighting the old in the'new normal': Appealing to conservatives’ focus on the past decreases opposition to COVID-19 measures. Social Psychology55(2).
  • Schulte, A., & Lammers, J. (2024). The Cognitive-Motivational Roots of Conservatives' Desire for the Past. Social Cognition42(3), 233-259.
  • Liu, Z., Luan, M., Li, H., Stoker, J.I., & Lammers, J. (2024). Psychological power increases the desire for social distance but reduces the sense of social distance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology110, 104528.
  • Lammers, J., Schulte, A., & Baldwin, M. (2023). Does framing climate change policies to fit with epistemic needs for predictability reduce conservatives’ opposition? Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
  • Lammers, J. (2023). Collective nostalgia and political ideology. Current Opinion in Psychology, 101607.
  • Lammers, J. (2023). Do Data Show That Textbooks in Psychology Treat Critique in an Ideological Manner? Psychology Learning & Teaching22(3), 251-255.
  • Lammers, J., & Uğurlar, P. (2023). Political-Ideological Differences in Cultural Pessimism and Nostalgia Reflect People’s Evaluation of Their Nation’s Historical Developments. Social Psychological and Personality Science
  • Feenstra, S., Stoker, J.I., Lammers, J., & Garretsen, H. (2023). Managerial stereotypes over time: The rise of feminine leadership. Gender in Management: an International Journal, 38, 770-783.
  • Unkelbach, C., Alves, H., Baldwin, M., Crusius, J., Diel, K., Galinsky, A.D., Gast, A., Hofmann, W., Imhoff, R., Genschow, O., Lammers, J., Pauels, E., Schneider, I., Topolinski, S., Westfal, M., & Mussweiler, T. (2023) Relativity in social cognition: Basic processes and novel applications of social comparisons, European Review of Social Psychology, 34(2), 387-440.
  • Bago, B., Aczel, B., Kekecs, Z., Protzko, J., Kovacs, M., Nagy, T., … Lammers, J., … & Gjoneska, B. (2022). Moral thinking across the world: Exploring the influence of personal force and intention in moral dilemma judgments. Nature Human Behavior, 6, 880–895 (2022).
  • Lammers, J., Bukowski, M., Potoczek, A., Fleischmann, A., & Hofmann, W. (2022). Disentangling the factors behind shifting voting intentions: The bandwagon effect reflects heuristic processing, while the underdog effect reflects fairness concerns. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10, 676–692,
  • Stoker, J.I., Garretsen, H., & Lammers, J. (2022). Leading and working from home in times of COVID-19: On the perceived changes in leadership behaviors. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 29(2), 208-218
  • Mousavi, D., Schulte, A., & Lammers, J. (2022). Stressing the advantages of female leadership can place women at a disadvantage: A replication and extension of Lammers and Gast (2017). Social Psychology, 53(4), 257–262.
  • Ecker, Y., Imhoff, R., & Lammers, J. (2021). Self-control failure increases a strategic preference for submission as means to avoid future failure. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95, 104155.
  • Lammers, J., & Imhoff, R. (2021). A chronic lack of perceived low personal control increases women and men’s self-reported preference for high-status characteristics when selecting romantic partners in simulated dating situations. Social Psychological and Personality Science12(7), 1345-1357.
  • Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Diel, K., Hofmann, W., & Galinsky, A. D. (2021). More threatening and more diagnostic: How moral comparisons differ from social comparisons. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
  • Lammers, J., Pauels, E., Fleischman, A., & Galinsky, A. D. (2021). Why people hate congress but love their own congressperson: An information processing explanation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
  • Lammers, J., & Baldwin, M. (2021). Two sides of the same coin: A new look at differences and similarities across political ideology. Cambridge handbook of political psychology.
  • Brandt, M. J., Kuppens, T., Spears, R., Andrighetto, L., Autin, F., Babincak, P., ... Lammers, J., …, Zimmerman, J. L. (2021). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries. European Journal of Social Psychology.
  • Lammers, J., & Baldwin, M. (2021). Make America gracious again: Collective nostalgia can increase and decrease support for right-wing populist rhetoric. European Journal of Social Psychology.
  • Fleischmann, A., & Lammers, J. (2020). Power and moral thinking. Current Opinion in Psychology, 33, 23-27.
  • Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Conway, P., & Galinsky, A.D. (2020). Kant be compared: People high in social comparison orientation make fewer—not more—deontological decisions in sacrificial dilemmas. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
  • Lammers, J., Crusius, J., & Gast, A. (2020). Correcting misperceptions of exponential coronavirus growth increases support for social distancing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 202006048. [data on OSF]
  • Lammers, J., & Burgmer, P. (2019). Power increases the self-serving bias in the attribution of collective successes and failures. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(5), 1087-1096.  [data and materials on OSF]
  • Meijs, M. H. J., Ratliff, K. A., & Lammers, J. (2019). Perceptions of feminist beliefs influence ratings of warmth and competence. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22(2), 253-270.  [data and materials on OSF]
  • Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Conway, P., & Galinsky, A. D. (2019). Paradoxical effects of power on moral thinking: Why power both increases and decreases deontological and utilitarian moral decisions. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10, 110-120.  [data and materials on OSF]
  • Fleischmann, A., Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., & Garretsen, H. (2019). You can leave your glasses on: Glasses can increase electoral success. Social Psychology, 50, 38-52.  [data and materials on OSF]
  • Lammers, J., & Stoker, J. I. (2019). Power affects sexual assertiveness and sexual esteem equally in women and men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 645–652.  [data on OSF]
  • Lammers, J., & Baldwin, M. (2018). Past-focused temporal communication overcomes conservatives' resistance to liberal political ideas. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 599-619.  [data on OSF]
  • Lammers, J., Gast, A., Unkelbach, C., & Galinsky, A. D. (2018). Moral character impression formation depends on the valence homogeneity of the context. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9, 576-585.  [data on OSF]
  • Guinote, A., & Lammers, J. (2017). Accentuation of tending and befriending among the powerless. In M. Bukowski, I. Fritsche, A. Guinote, & M. Kofta (Eds.), Coping with lack of control in a social world (pp. 185–202). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Lammers, J., & Burgmer, P. (2017). Power increases anchoring effects on judgment. Social Cognition, 35, 40–53.  [data on OSF]
  • Lammers, J., Dubois, D., Rucker, D. D., & Galinsky, A. D. (2017). Ease of retrieval moderates the effects of power: Implications for the replicability of power recall effects. Social Cognition, 35, 1–17.  [data on OSF]
  • Lammers, J., & Gast, A. (2017). Stressing the advantages of female leadership can place women at a disadvantage. Social Psychology, 48, 28–39.  [data on OSF]
  • Lammers, J., Koch, A., Conway, P., & Brandt, M. J. (2017). The political domain appears simpler to the politically extreme than to political moderates. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8, 612-622.  [data on OSF]
  • Leach, S., Weick, M., & Lammers, J. (2017). Does influence beget autonomy? Clarifying the relationship between social and personal power. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 1, 5–14.
  • Meijs, M. H. J., Ratliff, K. A., & Lammers, J. (2017). The discrepancy between how women see themselves and feminists predicts identification with feminism. Sex Roles, 77, 293–308.
  • Baldwin, M., & Lammers, J. (2016). Past-focused environmental comparisons promote proenvironmental outcomes for conservatives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 14953–14957.
  • Lammers, J., & Imhoff, R. (2016). Power and sadomasochism: Understanding the antecedents of a knotty relationship. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7, 142–148.
  • Lammers, J., & Maner, J. (2016). Power and attraction to the counternormative aspects of infidelity. The Journal of Sex Research, 53, 54–63.
  • Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., Rink, F., & Galinsky, A. D. (2016). To have control over or to be free from others? The desire for power reflects a need for autonomy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 498–512.  [data on OSF]
  • De Waal-Andrews, W., Gregg, A. P., & Lammers, J. (2015). When status is grabbed and when status is granted: Getting ahead in dominance and prestige hierarchies. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54, 445–464.
  • Inbar, Y., & Lammers, J. (2015). Increasing ideological tolerance in social psychology [Peer commentary on “Political diversity will improve social psychological science” by J. L. Duarte et al.]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, e147.
  • Lammers, J., Galinsky, A. D., Dubois, D., & Rucker, D. D. (2015). Power and morality. Current Opinion in Psychology, 6, 15–19.
  • Meijs, M. H. J., Lammers, J., & Ratliff, K. A. (2015). Gender stereotype-inconsistent acts are seen as more acceptable than stereotype-consistent acts, if they are clever. Social Psychology, 46, 291–305.  [data and materials on OSF]
  • Inbar, Y., & Lammers, J. (2014). Political diversity in social psychology: Problems and solutions. In P. Valdesolo & J. Graham (Eds.), Bridging ideological divides, Claremont symposium on applied social psychology.
  • Lammers, J., & Van Beest, I. (2014). The effects of power on immorality. In J.-W. Van Prooijen & P. A. M. Van Lange (Eds.), Power, politics, and paranoia: Why people are suspicious of their leaders (pp. 17–32). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Çelik, P., Lammers, J., van Beest, I., Bekker, M. H. J., & Vonk, R. (2013). Not all rejections are alike: Competence and warmth as a fundamental distinction in social rejection. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 635–642.
  • Çelik, P., van Beest, I., Lammers, J., & Bekker, M. (2013). Implicit threat vigilance among violent offenders diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder: The impact of ostracism and control threat. International Journal of Developmental Science, 7, 47–55.
  • Lammers, J., Dubois, D., Rucker, D. D., & Galinsky, A. D. (2013). Power gets the job: Priming power improves interview outcomes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 776–779.
  • Lammers, J., & Proulx, T. (2013). Writing autobiographical narratives increases political conservatism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 684–691.
  • Latu, I. M., Mast, M. S., Lammers, J., & Bombari, D. (2013). Successful female leaders empower women’s behavior in leadership tasks. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 444–448.
  • Inbar, Y., & Lammers, J. (2012). Ideological diversity in social and personality psychology: questions and answers. SPSP Dialogue.
  • Inbar, Y., & Lammers, J. (2012). Political diversity in social and personality psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7, 496–503.
  • Johnson, C. S., & Lammers, J. (2012). The powerful disregard social comparison information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 329–334.
  • Lammers, J. (2012). Abstraction increases hypocrisy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 475–480.
  • Lammers, J., Galinsky, A. D., Gordijn, E. H., & Otten, S. (2012). Power increases social distance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 282–290.
  • Lammers, J., & Yang, H. (2012). Feelings of power lead people to take sides with other powerful parties. Revista de Psicología Social, 27, 337–346.
  • Stoker, J. I., Van der Velde, M., & Lammers, J. (2012). Factors relating to managerial stereotypes: The role of gender of the employee and the manager and management gender ratio. Journal of Business and Psychology, 27, 31–42.
  • Galinsky, A. D., Rus, D., & Lammers, J. (2011). Power: A central force governing psychological, social, and organizational life. In D. De Cremer, R. van Dick, & J. K. Murnighan (Eds.), Social psychology and organizations (pp. 17–38). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Lammers, J., & Gast, A. (2011). Power in the House. In T. V. Cascio & L. M. Martin (Eds.), House and psychology: Humanity is overrated. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Lammers, J., & Stapel, D. A. (2011). Power increases dehumanization. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 14, 113–126.
  • Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., Jordan, J., Pollmann, M., & Stapel, D. A. (2011). Power increases infidelity among men and women. Psychological Science, 22, 1191–1197.
  • Lammers, J., Stapel, D. A., & Galinsky, A. D. (2010). Power increases hypocrisy: Moralizing in reasoning, immorality in behavior. Psychological Science, 21, 737–744.
  • Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., & Stapel, D. A. (2010). Power and behavioral approach orientation in existing power relations and the mediating effect of income. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 543–551.
  • Lammers, J., & Galinsky, A. D. (2009). The conceptualization of power and the nature of interdependency: The role of legitimacy and culture. In D. Tjosvold & B. Wisse (Eds.), Power and interdependence in organizations (pp. 67–82). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lammers, J., Gordijn, E. H., & Otten, S. (2009). Iron ladies, men of steel: The effects of gender stereotyping on the perception of male and female candidates are moderated by prototypicality. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 186–195.
  • Lammers, J., & Stapel, D. A. (2009). How power influences moral thinking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 279–289.
  • Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., & Stapel, D. A. (2009). Differentiating social and personal power: Opposite effects on stereotyping, but parallel effects on behavioral approach tendencies. Psychological Science, 20, 1543–1549.
  • Lammers, J., Galinsky, A. D., Gordijn, E. H., & Otten, S. (2008). Illegitimacy moderates the effects of power on approach. Psychological Science, 19, 558–564.
  • Lammers, J., Gordijn, E. H., & Otten, S. (2008). Looking through the eyes of the powerful. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1229–1238.

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